Bird census at the beach of Doñana Natural Space
Mañez M, Rodriguez C (2023). Bird census at the beach of Doñana Natural Space. Version 2.7. Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC). Sampling event dataset accessed via on 2024-12-11.Description
Counts of birds (non Passerines and crow) using vehicle-based transect along the Beach of the Natural Space of Doñana.Sampling Description
Study Extent
Protected in 1968, Doñana National Park (537 km2) is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, a Ramsar Site and a Natural World Heritage Site. The site contains 25 km-long dune ecosystem and its respective shoreline along which the band census method was applied monthly during one year.Sampling
The band census method is applied along the National Park beach in Southeast-Northwest direction. Transect is conducted at constant speed (10-20 km/h) during the morning low tide. This allows higher visibility (sunlight coming from the back). Stops were made when necessary (counting or identification). Wind speed (6 categories from calm to gale), wind direction, sky conditions (6 categories from sunny to rainy), and sea conditions (6 categories from calm to very rough).Quality Control
Each identification (scientific name) is matched against the GBIF Backbone Taxonomy as a quality control to make sure that each identification is correct.Method steps
- Conduct 29km transect driving in 4x4 vehicle at constant speed (10-20 km/h) monthly between days 10 and 20 looking for the best morning low tide.
- Divide transect into three sections 13.5km (CAMA), 7.5km (MAZA), and 8km (ZACA) by using the easily recognisable reference points of Zalabar and Carbonero watchtowers. CAMA means Carbonero-Matalascañas (the beach resort), MAZA means Malandar-Zalabar (Malandar is the name of the point where the river joins the ocean), and ZACA means Zalabar-Carbonero (the two watchtowers). Considering that maximum width of the beach is around 300m, these transects cover 4 km2, 2.1 km2, and 2.4 km2, respectively
- For each section (of transect), for each bird (non Passerines and crow) species observed, record its name and number of individuals counted, stopping the car when necessary.
- For each section (of transect), record wind speed (6 categories from calm to gale), wind direction, sky conditions (6 categories from sunny to rainy), and sea conditions (6 categories from calm to very rough).
- Match each identification (scientific name) against the GBIF Backbone Taxonomy as a quality control, and augment each identification with the matching species' higher taxonomy.
Taxonomic Coverages
Shore birds.
Actitis hypoleucosrank: species
Alca tordarank: species
Anas acutarank: species
Anas clypeatarank: species
Anas creccarank: species
Anas peneloperank: species
Anas streperarank: species
Apus sprank: species
Ardea cinerearank: species
Arenaria interpresrank: species
Calidris albarank: species
Calidris alpinarank: species
Charadrius alexandrinusrank: species
Charadrius dubiusrank: species
Charadrius hiaticularank: species
Chlidonias hybridarank: species
Chlidonias nigerrank: species
Chroicocephalus geneirank: species
Chroicocephalus ridibundusrank: species
Circus cyaneusrank: species
Corvus coraxrank: species
Egretta garzettarank: species
Falco peregrinusrank: species
Falco tinnunculusrank: species
Haematopus ostralegusrank: species
Himantopus himantopusrank: species
Hydroprogne caspiarank: species
Larus argentatusrank: species
Larus audouiniirank: species
Larus fuscusrank: species
Larus marinusrank: species
Larus melanocephalusrank: species
Larus michahellisrank: species
Limosa lapponicarank: species
Melanitta nigrarank: species
Mergus serratorrank: species
Milvus migransrank: species
Morus bassanusrank: species
Numenius arquatarank: species
Numenius phaeopus Pandion haliaetusrank: species
Phalacrocorax carborank: species
Philomachus pugnaxrank: species
Pluvialis apricariarank: species
Pluvialis squatarolarank: species
Puffinus yelkouanrank: species
Recurvirostra avosettarank: species
Stercorarius parasiticusrank: species
Stercorarius skuarank: species
Sterna bengalensisrank: species
Sterna hirundorank: species
Sterna paradisaearank: species
Sterna sandvicensisrank: species
Sternula albifronsrank: species
Tringa totanusrank: species
Geographic Coverages
The Beach of the Natural Space of Doñana.
Bibliographic Citations
Manuel Mañezoriginator
position: Technician in charge
Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC)
Carlos Rodriguez
metadata author
position: Post-doc
Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC)
Kyle Braak
position: Developer
Manuel Mañez
administrative point of contact
position: technician
Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC)