MICA - Muskrat and coypu camera trap observations in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany
Cartuyvels E, Adriaens T, Baert K, Baert W, Boiten G, Brosens D, Casaer J, D'hondt B, De Boer A, Debrabandere M, Devisscher S, Donckers D, Dupont S, Franceus W, Fritz H, Fromme L, Gethöffer F, Gouwy J, Herbots C, Huysentruyt F, Kehl L, Letheren L, Liebgott L, Liefting Y, Lodewijkx J, Maistrelli C, Matthies B, Meijvisch K, Moerkens D, Neukermans A, Neukermans B, Ronsijn J, Schamp K, Slootmaekers D, Tiggelman L, Van Donink S, Van der beeck D, Desmet P (2023). MICA - Muskrat and coypu camera trap observations in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. Version 1.11. Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/5tb6ze accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-02-14.Description
This camera trap dataset is derived from the Agouti project MICA - Management of Invasive Coypu and muskrAt in Europe. Data have been standardized to Darwin Core using the camtraptor R package and only include observations (and associated media) of animals. Excluded are records that document blank or unclassified media, vehicles and observations of humans. Geospatial coordinates are rounded to 0.001 degrees. The original dataset description follows.
MICA - Muskrat and coypu camera trap observations in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany is an occurrence dataset published by the Research Institute of Nature and Forest (INBO). It is part of the LIFE project MICA, in which innovative techniques are tested for a more efficient control of muskrat and coypu populations, both invasive species. The dataset contains camera trap observations of muskrat and coypu, as well as many other observed species. Issues with the dataset can be reported at https://github.com/inbo/mica-occurrences/issues
We have released this dataset to the public domain under a Creative Commons Zero waiver. We would appreciate it if you follow the INBO norms for data use (https://www.inbo.be/en/norms-data-use) when using the data. If you have any questions regarding this dataset, don't hesitate to contact us via the contact information provided in the metadata or via opendata@inbo.be.
This dataset was collected using infrastructure provided by INBO and funded by Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) as part of the Belgian contribution to LifeWatch. The data were collected as part of the MICA project, which received funding from the European Union’s LIFE Environment sub-programme under the grant agreement LIFE18 NAT/NL/001047. The dataset was published with funding from Stichting NLBIF - Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
Four locations in Flanders and one in Germany were sampled using 26 camera traps in Flanders and 7 in Germany. These camera traps were located in areas where the presence of muskrat and/or coypu was suspected. The camera traps are motion triggered and therefore also collected images of other animals found in these locations.Sampling
A standard protocol (https://lifemica.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Protocol-camera-traps.pdf) was followed to choose the location for the traps. The setup of camera traps was standardised for water habitat. Subsequently, 33 camera traps were deployed in four locations in Flanders and one in Germany. Once a month images were collected from the camera traps and uploaded to Agouti. Project members scored the images in Agouti.Quality Control
Data are collected using a predefined sampling protocol. All observations of muskrats, coypu, brown rats and European water voles are cross-validated by experienced project members.Method steps
- n/a
Taxonomic Coverages
Accipiter gentilisrank: species
Acrocephalus schoenobaenusrank: species
Acrocephalus scirpaceusrank: species
Aix galericulatarank: species
Alcedo atthisrank: species
Alopochen aegyptiacarank: species
Anas clypeatarank: species
Anas creccarank: species
Anas peneloperank: species
Anas platyrhynchosrank: species
Anas streperarank: species
Anser anserrank: species
Apodemus sylvaticusrank: species
Ardea albarank: species
Ardea cinerearank: species
Arvicola amphibiusrank: species
Aythya fuligularank: species
Bos taurusrank: species
Botaurus stellarisrank: species
Branta canadensisrank: species
Cairina moschatarank: species
Capreolus capreolusrank: species
Castor fiberrank: species
Cervus elaphusrank: species
Chroicocephalus ridibundusrank: species
Coloeus monedularank: species
Columba oenasrank: species
Columba palumbusrank: species
Corvus coraxrank: species
Corvus coronerank: species
Cyanistes caeruleusrank: species
Cygnus olorrank: species
Cyprinus carpiorank: species
Dendrocopos majorrank: species
Equus caballusrank: species
Erinaceus europaeusrank: species
Erithacus rubecularank: species
Felis catusrank: species
Fringilla coelebsrank: species
Fringilla montifringillarank: species
Fulica atrarank: species
Gallinago gallinagorank: species
Gallinula chloropusrank: species
Garrulus glandariusrank: species
Homo sapiensrank: species
Lepus europaeusrank: species
Luscinia svecicarank: species
Lutra lutrarank: species
Martes foinarank: species
Martes martesrank: species
Meles melesrank: species
Motacilla cinerearank: species
Mustela erminearank: species
Mustela nivalisrank: species
Mustela putoriusrank: species
Myocastor coypusrank: species
Myodes glareolusrank: species
Ondatra zibethicusrank: species
Oryctolagus cuniculusrank: species
Ovis ariesrank: species
Parus majorrank: species
Phalacrocorax carborank: species
Phasianus colchicusrank: species
Phoenicurus phoenicurusrank: species
Pica picarank: species
Picus viridisrank: species
Podiceps cristatusrank: species
Procyon lotorrank: species
Prunella modularisrank: species
Rallus aquaticusrank: species
Rattus norvegicusrank: species
Sciurus vulgarisrank: species
Scolopax rusticolarank: species
Strix alucorank: species
Sturnus vulgarisrank: species
Sus scrofarank: species
Sylvia atricapillarank: species
Tachybaptus ruficollisrank: species
Tadorna ferruginearank: species
Tadorna tadornarank: species
Tringa ochropusrank: species
Troglodytes troglodytesrank: species
Turdus iliacusrank: species
Turdus merularank: species
Turdus philomelosrank: species
Tyto albarank: species
Vulpes vulpesrank: species
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
Emma Cartuyvelsoriginator
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
email: emma.cartuyvels@inbo.be
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7856-6360
Tim Adriaens
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
email: tim.adriaens@inbo.be
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7268-4200
Kristof Baert
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
email: kristof.baert@inbo.be
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2015-5731
Warre Baert
Gust Boiten
email: gustboiten@hotmail.com
Dimitri Brosens
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
email: dimitri.brosens@inbo.be
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0846-9116
Jim Casaer
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
email: jim.casaer@inbo.be
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6788-5876
Bram D'hondt
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
email: bram.dhondt@inbo.be
Abel De Boer
email: adeboer@wetterskipfryslan.nl
Manon Debrabandere
email: manon.debrabandere@hotmail.com
Sander Devisscher
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
email: sander.devisscher@inbo.be
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0846-9116
Dennis Donckers
email: dennis.donckers2@telenet.be
Silke Dupont
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
email: silke.dupont@inbo.be
Wouter Franceus
Heiko Fritz
email: foersterheiko@gmx.de
Lilja Fromme
email: lilja.fromme@gmail.com
Friederike Gethöffer
email: friederike.gethoeffer@tiho-hannover.de
Jan Gouwy
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
email: jan.gouwy@inbo.be
Casper Herbots
Frank Huysentruyt
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
email: frank.huysentruyt@inbo.be
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3071-9126
Leo Kehl
email: leo.kehl@tiho-hannover.de
Liam Letheren
email: ljletheren@hotmail.co.uk
Lydia Liebgott
email: lydia.liebgott@tiho-hannover.de
Yorick Liefting
Wageningen University
email: yorick.liefting@wur.nl
Jan Lodewijkx
email: j.lodewijkx@vmm.be
Claudia Maistrelli
email: claudia.maistrelli@tiho-hannover.de
Björn Matthies
email: bjoern.matthies@lwk-niedersachsen.de
Kelly Meijvisch
email: kelly.meijvisch@outlook.be
Dolf Moerkens
Unie van Waterschappen
email: dmoerkens@uvw.nl
homepage: https://www.uvw.nl/
Axel Neukermans
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
email: axel.neukermans@inbo.be
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0272-9180
Brecht Neukermans
Jelle Ronsijn
Kurt Schamp
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
email: kurt.schamp@inbo.be
Dan Slootmaekers
email: d.slootmaekers@vmm.be
Linda Tiggelman
email: l.tiggelman@wsrl.nl
Sanne Van Donink
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
email: sanne.vandonink@inbo.be
Danny Van der beeck
email: daniel.vanderbeeck@gmail.com
Peter Desmet
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
email: peter.desmet@inbo.be
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8442-8025
Emma Cartuyvels
metadata author
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
email: emma.cartuyvels@inbo.be
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7856-6360
Emma Cartuyvels
administrative point of contact
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
email: emma.cartuyvels@inbo.be
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7856-6360