Betula borysthenica Klokov mapping based on remote sensing data in Google Earth (Oleshkivski Pisky National Nature Park, Kherson Region, southern Ukraine)
Vasyliuk O, Moysiyenko I, Skobel N, Zakharova M (2025). Betula borysthenica Klokov mapping based on remote sensing data in Google Earth (Oleshkivski Pisky National Nature Park, Kherson Region, southern Ukraine). Version 1.5. Kherson State University. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2025-02-19.Description
Betula borysthenica Klokov is a protected species included in the Red Data Book of Ukraine (Didukh 2009a). Biotop of Betula borysthenica Klokov is included in the Green Data Book of Ukraine (Didukh 2009b). The Betula borysthenica Klokov is endemic to the steppe zone of Eastern Europe, with most of its range located in Ukraine, mainly in the south: in the lower reaches of the Southern Buh and Dnipro (Boiko et al., 2005) Rare Betula borysthenica forests are common in the sandy steppe and are mostly fragmented into small groves (kolky). These forests are protected on the territory of the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve (Popovych, 2002), the Oleshky Sands and Biloberezhzhia Sviatoslav's National Nature Parks, the Kinburn Spit Regional Landscape Park, the Sahy Landscape Reserve, and the Berezovi Kolky Forest Reserve in Kherson and Mykolaiv administrative Regions (Tarieiev et al., 2013). This dataset contains occurrences of Betula borysthenica Klokov of flora recorded in the Oleshkivski Pisky National Nature Park and surroundings based on remote sensing data in Google Earth during 2019.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
The dataset contains co-occurrences of Betula borysthenica Klokov - endemic of Oleshkivski Pisky National Nature Park in Southern Ukraine. The study area is situated in the central-southern part of the Black Sea Lowland in the southern part of the steppe zone of Ukraine, in Kherson administrative regions.Sampling
Mapping based on remote sensing data in Google Earth.Quality Control
Identification of tree canopy was conducted based on different seasons in Google Earth (2019), focusing on shadow patterns and the distinctive white trunk characteristic of Betula borysthenica Klokov —an endemic species of Oleshkivski Pisky National Nature Park (Kherson Region, Ukraine). As part of mapping this tree species with a white crown, an analysis of images from various seasons was performed to ensure reliable identification. A KMZ file was created in Google Earth, and QGIS 3.22 ( was employed for detailed quality control, including verifying spatial accuracy, ensuring correct georeferencing, and detecting potential errors or overlaps in identified areas. QGIS was also used for further data refinement and export to CSV.Method steps
- Site selection
- Creating a KMZ file in Google Earth
- Identification of tree canopy based on different seasons (2019)
- Exporting points to QGIS for further export to CSV
- Final quality control
Taxonomic Coverages
Plantaerank: kingdom
Tracheophytarank: phylum
Magnoliopsidarank: class
Fagalesrank: order
Betulaceaerank: family
Betularank: genus
Betula borysthenica Klokovrank: species
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
- Boiko, M.F., Boiko, P.M., Lychynkina, N.A., Melnyk, R.P., Moysiyenko, I.I., & Khodosovtsev, O.Ye. (2005). On a new record of Betula borysthenica Klokov in the lower reaches of the Southern Bug River. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 62 (3): 396–398.[in Ukrainian] -
- Didukh, Ya.P. (ed.) (2009a). Chervona knyha Ukrainy. Roslynnyi svit [Red Data Book of Ukraine. Plant Kingdom]. Globalkonsaltyng, Kyiv, 912 pp. [in Ukrainian] -
- Didukh, Ya.P. (ed.) (2009b). Zelena knyha Ukrainy. Ridkisni i taki, shcho perebuvaiut pid zahrozoiu znyknennia, ta typovi pryrodni roslynni uhrupovannia, yaki pidliahaiut okhoroni. [Green Data Book of Ukraine. Rare and endangered plant species, and typical natural plant communities that require protection. Alterpres,Kyiv, 448 pp. [in Ukrainian] -
- Popovych, S.Yu. (ed.) (2002).Kataloh rarytetnoho bioriznomanittia zapovidnykiv i natsionalnykh pryrodnykh parkiv Ukrainy. Fitohenetychnyi fond, mikohenetychnyi fond, fitotsenotychyi fond. [Catalog of rare biodiversity of reserves and national nature parks of Ukraine. Phytogenetic fund, mycogenetic fund, phytocenotic fund]. Kyiv: Fitosociologichnyi Tsentr, 276 pp. [in Ukrainian] -
- Tarieiev, A.S., Bojko, V.R., Moysiyenko, I.I., & Kostikov, I.Yu. (2013). Similarity of Betula borysthenica Klokov with intraspecific taxa of Betula pubescens Ehrh. Chornomorski Botanical Journal, 9 (2): 158–169. [in Ukrainian] -
Oleksii Vasyliukoriginator
Biomonitoring and Reserve Steppe Laboratory Biosphere Reserve "Askania Nova"
Oleksii Vasyliuk
metadata author
Ivan Moysiyenko
metadata author
Kherson State University
Nadiia Skobel
metadata author
Kherson State University
Maryna Zakharova
metadata author
Kherson State University
Nadiia Skobel
principal investigator
Kherson State University
Oleksii Vasyliuk
administrative point of contact
Biomonitoring and Reserve Steppe Laboratory Biosphere Reserve "Askania Nova"