Avian communities of betel nut plantation and secondary forest in Taiwan
Tsai J, Chang C, Huang P, Ko J C, Hsu F (2025). Avian communities of betel nut plantation and secondary forest in Taiwan. Version 1.4. Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute. Sampling event dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/wkdnqx accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-01-21.Description
This is a project focusing on understanding avian communities in betel nut plantation and secondary forest in Taiwan. We collected the data in the breeding season (March to May) in 2015 and 2016 in a total of 80 sites in five counties in central Taiwan. There are 5 sampling points in each site and we collected avian community data in each point twice in each season.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
We conducted five point count surveys in 40 betel nut and 40 secondary forest plots in March to May 2015 and 2016 in central Taiwan.Sampling
Following a standard point count procedure (Buckland et al. 2005), we spent 6 minutes at each point to record the number of different bird species we saw and heard and the distance of each bird determined by Laser range finder (Nikon laser 1000AS).Quality Control
To avoid human error, the investigation was conducted by four professional investigators. For distance measurement, a laser rangefinder was used to obtain actual measurements, standardizing the investigators’ reference points. The taxonomic system follows the Checklist of Birds of Taiwan maintained by the Bird Record Committee of the Chinese Wild Bird Federation (Ding et al. 2023).Method steps
- 1. We identified homogenous patches of secondary forest and betel nut plantation below 1000 m above sea level using Google Earth software (Google Inc.) that are larger than 13.6 ha. 2. We then selected 40 secondary forest and 40 betel nut plantation plots that are at least 4 km apart from plot center. Within in each plot, we set up 5 sampling points along the established road system and each point was at least 200 m apart to avoid double counting. 3. Bird sampling was conducted within 4 hours after sunrise on clear day (without rain and strong wind). Each sampling point was surveyed twice in breeding season (March to May). 4. For each bird record, the bird species (the smallest taxonomic unit: species), number of individuals (number), horizontal distance to the observer (2015: 0-25m, 25-100m, >100m, flyover; 2016: taken every 10m as a band, flyover), and flock formation with more than five individuals were recorded. 5. For each sampling point record, investigation date (year, month, and day), starting time, observer, weather condition (clear, cloudy, overcast, fog, drizzle, or showers), and wind speed were recorded.
Taxonomic Coverages
This dataset focus on the avian communities in Taiwan. The detailed order and family are described below
Pellorneidaerank: family
Estrildidaerank: family
Monarchidaerank: family
Vireonidaerank: family
Corvidaerank: family
Cuculiformesrank: order
Phylloscopidaerank: family
Columbidaerank: family
Muscicapidaerank: family
Motacillidaerank: family
Animaliarank: kingdom
Cuculidaerank: family
Galliformesrank: order
Aegithalidaerank: family
Scotocercidaerank: family
Passeriformesrank: order
Pycnonotidaerank: family
Zosteropidaerank: family
Pelecaniformesrank: order
Picidaerank: family
Leiothrichidaerank: family
Accipitriformesrank: order
Sturnidaerank: family
Pandionidaerank: family
Chordatarank: phylum
Gruiformesrank: order
Megalaimidaerank: family
Fringillidaerank: family
Columbiformesrank: order
Alcedinidaerank: family
Avesrank: class
Apodiformesrank: order
Passeridaerank: family
Accipitridaerank: family
Hirundinidaerank: family
Campephagidaerank: family
Strigidaerank: family
Phasianidaerank: family
Timaliidaerank: family
Turdidaerank: family
Apodidaerank: family
Rallidaerank: family
Strigiformesrank: order
Piciformesrank: order
Coraciiformesrank: order
Dicaeidaerank: family
Laniidaerank: family
Paridaerank: family
Ardeidaerank: family
Oriolidaerank: family
Dicruridaerank: family
Cisticolidaerank: family
Pittidaerank: family
Geographic Coverages
The records in this dataset are located on the main island of central Taiwan, which is in the subtropical climate. The annual average temperature is 23℃ and the annual rainfall is 1774.3mm. Rainy season is from June to August that caused by southwest monsoon.
Bibliographic Citations
- Su, H.-J. 1984. Studies on the climate and vegetation types of the natural forests in Taiwan (I): analysis of the variation in climatic factors. Quarterly Journal of Chinese Forestry 17 (3):1–14. -
- Bibby CJ, Burgess ND, Hill DA, Mustoe SH. 2000. Bird census techniques, 2nd edn. Academic, London. -
- Ding, T-S, Juan C-S, Lin R-S, Tsai Y-J, Wu J-L, Wu J, Yang Y-H. 2023. The 2023 CWBF Checklist of the Birds of Taiwan. Chinese Wild Bird Federation, Taipei, Taiwan. - https://www.bird.org.tw/sites/default/files/field/file/download/The%202023%20TWBF%20Checklist%20of%20the%20Birds%20of%20Taiwan%2020240624ed.pdf
- Buckland, S. T., D. R. Anderson, K. P. Burnham, and J. L. Laake. 2005. Distance sampling. Wiley Online Library. -
Jo-Szu Tsaioriginator
position: Assistant Professor
National Chiayi University
No.300 Syuefu Rd.
Chiayi City
Telephone: +886-5-271-7580
email: ross.tsai@mail.ncyu.edu.tw
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9936-7333
Chia-Hao Chang
position: Research Assistant
National Chiayi University
No.300 Syuefu Rd.
Chiayi City
Telephone: +886-5-271-7580
email: chialeaf@gmail.com
Ping Huang
position: Content manager
Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute
userId: https://orcid.org/0009-0000-9381-6997
Jerome Chie-Jen Ko
position: Associate Researcher
Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute
1, Mingshen East Road
Chichi Township
Telephone: +886-49-2761331
email: jeromeko.tw@gmail.com
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8343-604X
Fu-Hsiung Hsu
position: Associate Professor
National Chiayi University
No.300 Syuefu Rd.
Chiayi City
Telephone: +886-5-271-7828
email: richbear@mail.ncyu.edu.tw
Jo-Szu Tsai
metadata author
position: Assistant Professor
National Chiayi University
No.300 Syuefu Rd.
Chiayi City
Telephone: +886-5-271-7580
email: ross.tsai@mail.ncyu.edu.tw
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9936-7333
Chia-Hao Chang
metadata author
position: Student
National Chiayi University
No.300 Syuefu Rd.
Chiayi City
Telephone: +886-5-271-7580
email: chialeaf@gmail.com
Ping Huang
metadata author
position: Content manager
Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute
email: pisacat@gmail.com
userId: https://orcid.org/0009-0000-9381-6997
Jo-Szu Tsai
position: Assistant Professor
National Chiayi University
No.300 Syuefu Rd.
Chiayi City
Telephone: +886-5-271-7580
email: ross.tsai@mail.ncyu.edu.tw
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9936-7333
Chia-Hao Chang
content provider
position: Student
National Chiayi University
No.300 Syuefu Rd.
Chiayi City
Telephone: +886-5-271-7580
email: chialeaf@gmail.com
Jerome Chie-Jen Ko
position: Associate Researcher
Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute
1, Mingshen East Road
Chichi Township
Telephone: +886-49-2761331
email: jeromeko.tw@gmail.com
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8343-604X
Ping Huang
position: Content manager
Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute
C301, No. 28, Ln 70, Academia Rd. Sec. 2.
Nangang Dist.
userId: https://orcid.org/0009-0000-9381-6997
Jo-Szu Tsai
administrative point of contact
position: Assistant Professor
National Chiayi University
No.300 Syuefu Rd.
Chiayi City
Telephone: +886-5-271-7580
email: ross.tsai@mail.ncyu.edu.tw
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9936-7333