Xeno-canto - Chiroptera sounds from around the world
Vellinga W (2024). Xeno-canto - Chiroptera sounds from around the world. Xeno-canto Foundation for Nature Sounds. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/hfrnn3 accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-01-16.Description
This dataset covers the sounds of the Chiroptera sound collection of Xeno-canto (XC).
XC is an online database that provides access to sound recordings of wildlife from around the world. The recordings are shared by a growing community of thousands of recordists from around the world, amateurs and professionals alike. The aim of Xeno-canto is to eventually represent sounds of all animals, meaning of all taxa, to subspecies level, of their complete repertoire, with all of the geographic variability, at all stages of development.
The website of Xeno-canto (www.xeno-canto.org) was launched in 2005, and initially focussed on Neotropical birds. The scope of Xeno-canto is gradually widening and the Chiroptera sound collection was started in 2023. XC is run by the Xeno-canto Foundation for Nature Sounds in The Netherlands, with support from Naturalis Biodiversity Center.
Please note that the Chiroptera sound dataset shared on GBIF is a subset of the entire collection that is available on https://xeno-canto.org/?gid=3. Only the recordings by recordists who have given their permission to share recording metadata with GBIF are shared here.
Sampling Description
Quality Control
Identifications of sounds on recordings are subject to continuous review by the Xeno-canto community. This means that current identifications can always later be challenged/questioned. The current identification status (either "not questioned", "questioned" or "questioned and resolved" is shown on xeno-canto.org). Currently questioned recordings are not shared with GBIF.Method steps
Taxonomic Coverages
Chiropteracommon name: Bats rank: Order
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
- Vellinga, W.P. & R. Planqué (2015). CLEF2015 Working Notes, CEUR Workshop proceedings Vol-1391. -
- Vellinga, W.P., B. Planqué, S. Pieterse & J. Jongsma (2017). www.xeno-canto.org: a decade on. Neotropical Birding 21: 40-47. -
Willem-Pier Vellingaoriginator
position: Chair
Xeno-canto Foundation for Nature Sounds
email: wp@xeno-canto.org
homepage: http://www.xeno-canto.org
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3886-5088
Willem-Pier Vellinga
metadata author
position: Chair
Xeno-canto Foundation for Nature Sounds
email: wp@xeno-canto.org
homepage: http://www.xeno-canto.org
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3886-5088
Jeroen Creuwels
position: Data manager
P.O. Box 9517
NL-2300 RA
email: nlbif@naturalis.nl
homepage: https://www.nlbif.nl
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6131-7026
Niels Raes
position: Node manager
P.O. Box 9517
NL-2300 RA
email: nlbif@naturalis.nl
homepage: https://www.nlbif.nl
Willem-Pier Vellinga
administrative point of contact
position: Chair
Xeno-canto Foundation for Nature Sounds
email: wp@xeno-canto.org
homepage: http://www.xeno-canto.org
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3886-5088