Macroinvertebrate and algae occurrence data collection of the Laboratorio de Ecología Acuática of the Universidad de Cuenca
Hampel H, Vázquez Zambrano R (2024). Macroinvertebrate and algae occurrence data collection of the Laboratorio de Ecología Acuática of the Universidad de Cuenca. Version 2.0. Laboratorio de Ecología Acuática de la Universidad de Cuenca. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2024-10-14.Description
The Aquatic Ecology Laboratory (Laboratorio de Ecología Acuática, LEA) of the University of Cuenca was formed in 2010 with the aim of generating knowledge on the biology and ecology of high mountain freshwater ecosystems (lotic and lentic). LEA carries out research projects within several research lines such as: freshwater biomonitoring, estimation of environmental flows, taxonomy of freshwater insects, algae, ecology of aquatic communities, use of remote sensing for water resource management, lake limnology, etc. The biological data obtained from both lakes and rivers are consolidated in the database. The dataset published contains: 747 records derived from monitoring of lakes and rivers in the Ecuador.Sampling Description
Study Extent
Macroinvertebrates were collected for different research purposes in Andean lakes and rivers.Algae were collected in the research project "Biodiversidad de organismos de agua dulce del Ecuador" in lakes and rivers.
Macroinvertebrates: Different methodologies were applied based on the purpose of the study and the sampled ecosystem. In the rivers, quantitative samples were taken using Surber sampler where the sediment was stirred during 30 seconds on the defined area of the net. In the high mountain lakes, in all possible littoral habitats was swept by hand net during 3 minutes period.Algae: In each lake, a total of 30 liters of water were collected from integrated samples (at three different points) in plastic containers taken from a depth of 0.5 meters; (i) samples were collected at two points at the littoral areas (10 liters each) and (ii) one point in the center of the lake. In the rivers, integrated samples were taken from each river bank (10-10L) and one from the center (10L) of the main channel until completing 30 L. Once the samples were obtained, they were filtered with the use of a plankton net (mesh: 20 microns), which resulted qualitative samples of algae.
Quality Control
Macroinvertebrate: Field protocols were elaborated and applied on the field and in the laboratory for sampling and identification of macroinvertebrates for each research project.Algae: Rigorous field controls were carried out to ensure the quality of the collected samples. In addition, laboratory controls were carried out to verify the correct taxonomic identification of the specimens and the precision of the measurements made.
Method steps
- Macroinvertebrate: Samples were taken on the field and conserved in 95 ethanol or 4% formaldehyde. In the laboratory, the samples were washed carefully and identification of all individuals were carried out using specific taxonomic keys.
- Algae: Water samples were collected in the field and preserved using 4% formaldehyde. In the laboratory, samples were filtered and concentrated before taxonomic identification of the algae was performed. This was carried out by observing specimens under an Olympus CKX41 inverted microscope and taking digital photographs for later analysis. Taxonomic identification was carried out by using specific keys and by comparisons with specialized literature. Finally, the samples were deposited in the Aquatic Ecology Laboratory of the University of Cuenca, Ecuador, for future reference.
Taxonomic Coverages
Macroinvertebrate: In the South of Ecuadorian region identification of macroinvertebrates is possible only till genus level. At the monitored sites 118 genus were identified. The following number of groups were identified only to family (47), order (1), subclass (2), class (2) and phylum (1)level.
Algae: The identification was carried out at several taxonomic levels. The following groups were identified: variedad (25), species (42), and genus (78).
Algae: The identification was carried out at several taxonomic levels. The following groups were identified: variedad (25), species (42), and genus (78).
Nematodarank: phylum
Ostracodarank: class
Oligochaetarank: class
Collembolarank: subclass
Oligochaetarank: subclass
Trombidiformesrank: order
Ancylidaerank: family
Anomalopsychidaerank: family
Chironomidaerank: family
Chrysomelidaerank: family
Crambidaerank: family
Culicidaerank: family
Curculionidaerank: family
Dixidaerank: family
Dolichopodidaerank: family
Elmidaerank: family
Empididaerank: family
Ephydridaerank: family
Glossiphoniidaerank: family
Gordiidaerank: family
Gripopterygidaerank: family
Gyrinidaerank: family
Helicopsychidaerank: family
Hydrobiosidaerank: family
Hydrophilidaerank: family
Hydropsychidaerank: family
Hydroptilidaerank: family
Leptoceridaerank: family
Leptohyphidaerank: family
Leptophlebiidaerank: family
Limnephilidaerank: family
Limoniidaerank: family
Lymnaeidaerank: family
Muscidaerank: family
Odontoceridaerank: family
Oligoneuriidaerank: family
Perlidaerank: family
Physidaerank: family
Planorbidaerank: family
Polycentropodidaerank: family
Psephenidaerank: family
Pseudothelphusidaerank: family
Psychodidaerank: family
Ptilodactylidaerank: family
Scirtidaerank: family
Simuliidaerank: family
Sphaeriidaerank: family
Staphylinidaerank: family
Stratiomyidaerank: family
Tabanidaerank: family
Tipulidaerank: family
Tricorythidaerank: family
Xiphocentronidaerank: family
Acrorbisrank: genus
Aeshnarank: genus
Allaudomyiarank: genus
Allopetaliarank: genus
Americabaetisrank: genus
Anacroneuriarank: genus
Anchytarsusrank: genus
Andesiopsrank: genus
Andogyrusrank: genus
Anomalocosmoecusrank: genus
Atanatolicarank: genus
Atherixrank: genus
Atopsycherank: genus
Atrichopogonrank: genus
Austrelmisrank: genus
Austrolimniusrank: genus
Baetodesrank: genus
Bezziarank: genus
Biomphalariarank: genus
Caillomarank: genus
Camelobaetidiusrank: genus
Claudioperlarank: genus
Clinocerarank: genus
Cloeodesrank: genus
Contulmarank: genus
Corydalusrank: genus
Corynoneurarank: genus
Cryphocricosrank: genus
Culicoidesrank: genus
Cylloepusrank: genus
Cyphonrank: genus
Cyrnellusrank: genus
Dixarank: genus
Dixellarank: genus
Ecuaphlebiarank: genus
Enochrusrank: genus
Erythrodiplaxrank: genus
Farrodesrank: genus
Forcipomyiarank: genus
Fossariarank: genus
Gigantodaxrank: genus
Girardiarank: genus
Goeldechironomusrank: genus
Grumichellarank: genus
Haplohyphesrank: genus
Hatiarank: genus
Helichusrank: genus
Helicopsycherank: genus
Helobdellarank: genus
Heterelmisrank: genus
Hexacylloepusrank: genus
Hexanchorusrank: genus
Hexatomarank: genus
Hexatominirank: genus
Huleechiusrank: genus
Hyalellarank: genus
Hydrarank: genus
Hydraenarank: genus
Ishnurarank: genus
Lachlaniarank: genus
Lancetesrank: genus
Leptohyphesrank: genus
Leptonemarank: genus
Leucotrichiarank: genus
Limnocorisrank: genus
Limnophorarank: genus
Limoniarank: genus
Limonicolarank: genus
Liodessusrank: genus
Lisperank: genus
Macrelmisrank: genus
Mariliarank: genus
Maurinarank: genus
Mayobaetisrank: genus
Metrichiarank: genus
Microcylloepusrank: genus
Molophilusrank: genus
Mortoniellarank: genus
Nanomisrank: genus
Nectopsycherank: genus
Neocylloepusrank: genus
Neoelmisrank: genus
Neoplastarank: genus
Neotrichiarank: genus
Notelmisrank: genus
Ochrotrichiarank: genus
Orimargarank: genus
Onychelmisrank: genus
Oxyethirarank: genus
Palpomyiarank: genus
Paltostomarank: genus
Pericomarank: genus
Petrophilarank: genus
Pharceonusrank: genus
Phenepsrank: genus
Phylloicusrank: genus
Pisidiumrank: genus
Polycentropusrank: genus
Polymerarank: genus
Prebaetodesrank: genus
Pseudosuccinearank: genus
Psychodarank: genus
Rhantusrank: genus
Rhinoaeshnarank: genus
Simuliumrank: genus
Smicridearank: genus
Sphaeriumrank: genus
Stenelmisrank: genus
Stenochironomusrank: genus
Stenophysarank: genus
Tabanusrank: genus
Theromyzonrank: genus
Thraulodesrank: genus
Tipularank: genus
Tricorythodesrank: genus
Triplectidesrank: genus
Tropisternusrank: genus
Xenelmisrank: genus
aequalisrank: variety
amazonensisrank: variety
ayayenserank: variety
borgeirank: variety
brasilienserank: variety
brasiliensisrank: variety
contractumrank: variety
convergensrank: variety
cornutumrank: variety
curvatarank: variety
dichotomarank: variety
elegantiorrank: variety
mediolaeverank: variety
minutumrank: variety
nordstedtianarank: variety
ovalerank: variety
pectenrank: variety
perornatumrank: variety
perspinosumrank: variety
pyramidatumrank: variety
radiosarank: variety
reductumrank: variety
spinosarank: variety
subvillosumrank: variety
triangularerank: variety
abruptumrank: species
baileyirank: species
borrerirank: species
convergensrank: species
dissiliensrank: species
furcatospermumrank: species
grevilleirank: species
hystrixrank: species
laticepsrank: species
mucosarank: species
nodosumrank: species
pseudoconnatumrank: species
swartziirank: species
trabecularank: species
triangularisrank: species
trilobumrank: species
variansrank: species
Actinellarank: genus
Amphipleurarank: genus
Amphorarank: genus
Asterionellarank: genus
Aulacoseirarank: genus
Biddulphiarank: genus
Closteriumrank: genus
Cocconeisrank: genus
Coscinodiscusrank: genus
Cyclotellarank: genus
Cymbellarank: genus
Diploneisrank: genus
Epithemiarank: genus
Eunotiarank: genus
Fragilariarank: genus
Frustuliarank: genus
Gomphonemarank: genus
Gyrosigmarank: genus
Hantzschiarank: genus
Melosirarank: genus
Mougeotiarank: genus
Navicularank: genus
Neidiumrank: genus
Nitzschiarank: genus
Orthoseirarank: genus
Pinnulariarank: genus
Rhopalodiarank: genus
Sellaphorarank: genus
Spirogyrarank: genus
Stauroneisrank: genus
Stenopterobiarank: genus
Surirellarank: genus
Trachelomonasrank: genus
Ulnariarank: genus
Zygnemarank: genus
Geographic Coverages
Sampling stations are located in the high mountains of South of Ecuador nearby the city of Cuenca between -3.06963 and -2.64968 (WGS84) latitude and -79.00267 and -79.48180 (WGS84) longitude. Additionally, some algae samples were collected in the Amazon region between -0.0042333 and -2.610259 (WGS84) latitude and -75,23575 and -77.018503 (WGS84) longitude.
Bibliographic Citations
Henrietta Hampeloriginator
position: Profesor
Universidad de Cuenca
Av. 12 de Abril
Raul Vázquez Zambrano
position: Profesor
Universidad de Cuenca
Av. 12 de Abril
Henrietta Hampel
metadata author
position: Profesor
Universidad de Cuenca
Av. 12 de abril
Henrietta Hampel
administrative point of contact
position: Profesor
Universidad de Cuenca
Av. 12 de Abril