DFO Zoobenthos data from upper Frobisher Bay, 1967 to 1973
Wacasey J, Kennedy M (2022). DFO Zoobenthos data from upper Frobisher Bay, 1967 to 1973. Version 4.4. Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/svr5r8 accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-09-07.Description
Data on marine zoobenthic invertebrates were obtained from samples collected from 1967 to 1973 by grab, dredge and trawl samplers in depths for water of 25 to 90 m in an area of 1.2 km2 located in upper Frobisher Bay, southern Baffin Island. Survey results consist of density (number of individuals per square metre) and biomass of species (grams per square metre) for the grab samples, presence only for the trawl samples, and biomass for the dredge samples. This research was part of a multidiscipline program developed by the Biological Oceanography Section of the Arctic Biological Station, Department of Fisheries and Oceans to determine the nature and magnitude of the role of benthic invertebrates in an arctic marine ecosystem.Purpose
These data are for display on the OBIS portal and associated mapping programs and for download to personal computers for ad-hoc end-user analysis.Sampling Description
Study Extent
The 1.2 km2 area of the study was located between Cairn and Mair Islands, approximately 8 km south of the settlement of Frobisher Bay. The bottom is irregular and slopes from each of the islands towards a trench which bisects the area along its long axis.Sampling
A Petterson grab sampler was used to collect samples during the open water season and from the surface of the ice in winter. Grab samples were washed on a stainless steel screen with a mesh size of either 0.5 mm or 1 mm. Screened samples were preserved in formalin and sorted, identified, counted and weighed back in the laboratory (the Arctic Biological Station). Data includes both density and biomass (dry weight) and is reported as counts or grams per square metre. A small otter trawl was used in 1968 to do five bottom trawls. The trawl width was about 2.5 m and the mesh size of the cod end was 0.5 cm. Presence only information is reported for these samples. A dredge was used to collect samples in depths from 40 to 68m in 1969, 1970 and 1973. The dredge consisted of an iron frame with a 2m length net attached. The width of the dredge was 36 inches and the mesh size of the net at the cod end was 0.5 cm. Species presence is reported for these samples.Quality Control
Scientific names associated with the dataset have been mapped to recognized standards - marine taxa have been mapped to the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) using either the Taxon Match tool or the matrix table. The WoRMS code, the AphiaID has been included in this resource in the scientificNameID field as LSIDs. Genus identified as type A or type B have been summed in the OBIS dataset. Following a literature review in 2021, records for the southern ascidian species of Ciona intestinalis were changed for the arctic species of Ciona gelatinosa.Method steps
- This resource was created by OBIS Canada from the original data published data report. DwC fields were populated after consultation with the local data management team.
Additional info
Data for grab, trawl, and dredge samples included species presence or density and biomass information. The original survey report also contains information on values of substances in the substrate such as pH of sediment, levels of nitrate-nitrogen, organic carbon, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, manganese and silicon but this data is not included in this OBIS view. The OBIS view of this dataset includes only the species distribution information. Use Constraints:Acknowledge the use of specific records from contributing databases in the form appearing in the 'Citation' field thereof (if any); and acknowledge the use of the OBIS facility. For information purposes, email to info@iobis.org the full citation of any publication made (printed or electronic) that cites OBIS or any constituent part. Recognize the limitations of data in OBIS. See http://www.iobis.org/data/policy/disclaimer for more details For OBIS Schema concept details see http://www.iobis.org/node/304 Distribution Distribution Media: HTTP Distribution Format: OBIS Schema Fees: NoneTaxonomic Coverages
Marine Zoobenthic organisms collected using a grab, trawl or dredge. Some data on biomass of benthic algae and fish are included. Species identification was not attempted for some taxa such as nematodes, nemerteans, hydroids and bryozoans. Sponges, bryozoans and other colonial forms were regarded as one individual or flagged as simply present. Updated in 2021 was the identification of the southern ascidian, Ciona intestinalis, for the arctic species, Ciona gelatinosa.
Annelidarank: phylum
Arthropodarank: phylum
Branchiopodarank: phylum
Bryozoarank: phylum
Cephalorhyncharank: phylum
Ascidiacearank: class
Cnidariarank: phylum
Echinodermatarank: phylum
Molluscarank: phylum
Nematodarank: phylum
Poriferarank: phylum
Sipuncularank: phylum
Actinopterygiirank: class
Geographic Coverages
Between Cairn and Mair Islands, Upper Frobisher Bay in southern Baffin Island, Canadian arctic.
Bibliographic Citations
- Wacasey, J.W., Atkinson, E.G., Glasspoole, L. 1979. Zoobenthos Data from Upper Frobisher Bay, 1967-1973. Can. Data Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 164: 99p https://waves-vagues.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/24767.pdf -
J.W. Wacaseyoriginator
position: Originator
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Arctic Biological Station
Ste. Anne de Bellevue
H9X 3L6
Mary Kennedy
metadata author
position: OBIS Canada node manager
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
B2Y 4A2
Nova Scotia
Claude Nozères
administrative point of contact
position: Biologist
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
850 route de la Mer
Mont Joli
G5H 3Z4
email: Claude.Nozeres@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9779-9300