Diversity of Colombian macrofungi (Ascomycota - Basidiomycota)
Vasco-Palacios A M, Franco Molano A E, Saavedra B S (2021). Diversity of Colombian macrofungi (Ascomycota - Basidiomycota). Version 1.2. Universidad de Antioquia. Checklist dataset https://doi.org/10.15472/o8vo29 accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-13.Description
A checklist of the species of Colombian macrofungi cited in the literature is presented base on 130 articles published until 2010. A total of 1258 taxa of macrofungi belonging to 32 orders and 105 familias of Ascomycota and Basidiomycota were reported in Vasco-Palacios AM & Franco-Molano AE. 2013. Diversity of Colombian macrofungi. (Ascomycota – Basidiomycota), Mycotaxon: 121, 1–58. Lichens were not included.Se presenta una lista de macrohongos (Ascomycota y Basidiomycota) de Colombia, basada en la revisión 130 artículos publicados hasta el 2010. Un total de 1258 taxa pertenecientes a 32 órdenes y 105 familias fueron registrados en Vasco-Palacios AM & Franco-Molano AE (2013) Diversity of Colombian macrofungi (Ascomycota – Basidiomycota), Mycotaxon: 121, 1–5. Los líquenes no se incluyeron.
The aim of this checklist was to document the fungal diversity reported for Colombia and to serve as a basic document for further mycological studies in the country.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
Country Colombia. All reports of species from Colombia that were published up to 2010.Sampling
A total of 130 publications, including papers, books, and monographs were reviewed. Macrofungi are defined as those fungi that produce easily visible fruiting bodies. Lichens were not taken into consideration.Quality Control
Records of species that not found in IndexFungorum were not included. No se incluyeron registros de especies que no se encontraron en IndexFungorum.Method steps
- Specific data for each species, such as collection number, collector, date, distribution, elevation, and location per department (Figure 1), were compiled from the reviewed literature, and are presented in this checklist. For some species, despite a search, some information is still missing. Species names, in alphabetical order within genera, were updated and organized by orders and families, according to the IndexFungorum website (2008-2011). Species recorded in the literature but not found in IndexFungorum were not included.
Taxonomic Coverages
Literature on fungal species from Colombia published until 2010 was reviewed. The checklist represents the phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, distributed in 32 orders and 105 families, 1103 species, 4 forms, 1 special form, 2 subspecies, and 44 varieties.
La revisión de los artículos, libros y monografías de hongos publicados hasta el 2010, muestra macrohongos de los fila Ascomycota y Basidiomycota, pertenecientes a 32 órdenes y 105 familias 1103 especies, 4 formas, 1 forma especial, 2 subespecies y 44 variedades
La revisión de los artículos, libros y monografías de hongos publicados hasta el 2010, muestra macrohongos de los fila Ascomycota y Basidiomycota, pertenecientes a 32 órdenes y 105 familias 1103 especies, 4 formas, 1 forma especial, 2 subespecies y 44 variedades
Ascomycotarank: phylum
Basidiomycotarank: phylum
Coniochaetalesrank: order
Eurotialesrank: order
Helotialesrank: order
Hypocrealesrank: order
Orbilialesrank: order
Ostropalesrank: order
Pezizalesrank: order
Pleosporalesrank: order
Xylarialesrank: order
Agaricalesrank: order
Athelialesrank: order
Atractiellalesrank: order
Auricularialesrank: order
Boletalesrank: order
Cantharellalesrank: order
Ceratobasidialesrank: order
Corticialesrank: order
Cystobasidialesrank: order
Dacrymycetalesrank: order
Exobasidialesrank: order
Geastralesrank: order
Gleophyllalesrank: order
Gomphalesrank: order
Hymenochaetalesrank: order
Phallalesrank: order
Platygloealesrank: order
Podoscyphalesrank: order
Polyporalesrank: order
Russulalesrank: order
Trechisporalesrank: order
Thelephoralesrank: order
Tremellalesrank: order
Geographic Coverages
The present work includes information on distribution of macrofungi species in Colombia and show the most explored locations. Most collecting has been done in the Andean region, due to easy access to the forests from the cities and larger towns were the researsher are located, and this region represents nearly 90% of all species reported for the country. Some localities in the Amazonian region (Caquetá and Amazonas), in the Caribbean region (Magdalena), in the Pacific region (Chocó), have been also explored under special projects. Fungal collections have been reported only from 24 of the 32 departments of Colombia.
Bibliographic Citations
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(23) Dumont KP, Umaña MI. 1978. Los hongos de Colombia - V. Laterna triscapa y Calostoma cinnabarina en Colombia. Caldasia 12: 349-352. (24) Franco-Molano AE, Aldana R, Halling R. 2000. Setas de Colombia (Agaricales, Boletales y otros hongos). Guía de Campo. Colciencias Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, 156 pp. (30) Franco-Molano AE, Corrales A, Vasco-Palacios AM. 2010. Macrohongos de Colombia ii. Listado de especies de los ordenes Agaricales, Boletales, Cantharellales y Russulales (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota). Actualidades biológicas 32:89-113 (31) Franco-Molano AE, López-Q. C. 2007. A new species of Hygroaster (Hygrophoraceae, Agaricales) from Colombia. Mycotaxon 99:189-195. (32) Franco-Molano AE, Uribe-Calle E. 2000. Hongos Agaricales y Boletales de Colombia. Biota Colombiana 1(1):25-43. (33) Franco-Molano AE, Vasco-Palacios AM, López-Quintero C, Boekhout T. 2005. Macrohongos de la región del Medio Caquetá. Guía de campo. Multimpresos. 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Aída M. Vasco-Palaciosoriginator
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Ana Esperanza Franco Molano
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Brayan S. Saavedra
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email: bs.saavedra10@uniandes.edu.co
homepage: https://sibcolombia.net
Aída M. Vasco-Palacios
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calle 67 No. 53 - 108, oficina 5-408
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email: aida.vasco@udea.edu.co
homepage: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Aida_Vasco
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Aída M. Vasco-Palacios
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email: aida.vasco@udea.edu.co
homepage: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Aida_Vasco
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Ana Esperanza Franco-Molano
position: Docente
Universidad de Antioquia
Calle 67 Nº 53-108
Telephone: 018000 416384
email: ana.franco@udea.edu.co
homepage: http://www.udea.edu.co
Aída M. Vasco-Palacios
administrative point of contact
position: Docente
calle 67 No. 53 - 108, oficina 5-408
Telephone: 2195487
email: aida.vasco@udea.edu.co
homepage: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Aida_Vasco
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0539-9711
Ana Esperanza Franco-Molano
administrative point of contact
position: Docente
Universidad de Antioquia
Calle 67 Nº 53-108, Bloque 7
email: ana.franco@udea.edu.co
homepage: http://www.udea.edu.co