GBIF in the news

Media coverage of GBIF-enabled research

Western cadeguala (Cadeguala occidentalis). Photo 2020 Eduardo E. Zattara via iNaturalist Research-grade Observations, licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.

Selected press coverage

Zattara EA & Aizen MA (2021) Worldwide occurrence records suggest a global decline in bee species richness. One Earth 4(1): 114-123.

Article title Publication Country Date
A Quarter of Known Bee Species Haven’t Been Seen Since 1990 The Guardian United Kingdom 22/01/2021
Staggering number of wild bee species unaccounted for since the '90s CNN International United States 22/01/2021
Видовое разнообразие пчел и шмелей с 90-х сократилось на 25% Tass Russian Federation 22/01/2021
Ny forskning: En fjärdedel av jordens arter av bin är försvunna SVT Vetenskap Sweden 22/01/2021
Las abejas también desaparecen de los registros Sinc Spain 22/01/2021
Un quart des espèces d’abeilles n’a pas été signalé depuis 1990 Le Point France 22/01/2021
A quarter of all known bee species haven’t been seen since the 1990s New Scientist United Kingdom 22/01/2021
Minst ett av fyra bin har tystnat nu Dagens Nyheter Sweden 22/01/2021
A quarter of all bees no longer appear in public records United States 22/01/2021
Quarter of wild bee species worldwide have VANISHED in the last 30 years as scientists hint at coming 'cataclysm' for the vital pollinators Daily Mail United Kingdom 22/01/2021
Scientists Sound Alarm on Global Decline of Bee Species Courthouse News United States 22/01/2021
A critical animal for Earth's survival has gone missing — study Inverse United States 22/01/2021
Luonnosta löydettyjen mehiläislajien määrä on kutistunut neljäsosalla 30 vuodessa Uutiset Finland 23/01/2021
Een kwart van de bekende bijensoorten wereldwijd is niet meer waargenomen sinds de jaren 90 VRT NWS Belgium 23/01/2021
Nieuwe studie toont schrikbarende achteruitgang aantal bijensoorten wereldwijd de Volkskrant Netherlands 23/01/2021
Estudo. Cerca de 25% das espécies de abelhas não são detetadas desde 1990 Contacto Luxembourg 23/01/2021
Seperempat Spesies Lebah Menghilang 20 Tahun, Ada Apa? Republika Indonesia 23/01/2021
25 proc. gatunków pszczół wyginęło? Wyborcza Poland 23/01/2021
یک چهارم گونه‌های زنبور نایاب شده‌اند Iranian Students' News Agency Iran 23/01/2021
We haven’t seen a quarter of known bee species since the 1990s – and that's bad news for us National Geographic United States 25/01/2021
Quarter of all known bees ‘not seen since 1990’ The Independent United Kingdom 25/01/2021
Sin noticias de una cuarta parte de especies de abejas desde los 90 El Tiempo Colombia 25/01/2021
Api, il 25% delle specie non si vede più dagli anni ‘90. Ma una startup vuole salvare gli alveari con l'AI La Repubblica Italy 25/01/2021
We need to get a better handle on our bee health Stuff New Zealand 25/01/2021
En fjärdedel av världens arter av bin har inte synts till på 30 år Sveriges Radio Sweden 25/01/2021
Biodiversità: la strage silenziosa degli impollinatori Rinnovabili Italy 25/01/2021
Tutkijat ynnäilivät havaintoja ja yllättyivät: Joka neljättä mehiläislajia ei ole nähty 1990-luvun jälkeen MTV Uutiset Finland 25/01/2021
Od 1990. do 2015. broj divljih pčela globalno se smanjio za četvrtinu Glas Istre Hungary 25/01/2021
A quarter of all known bees “haven’t been seen” since 1990 — and this is bad news ZME Science Romania 25/01/2021
A Quarter Of All Known Bee Species Haven’t Been Seen Since The 1990s Unilad United Kingdom 25/01/2021
Pe squisa indica o declínio global de espécies de abelhas EcoDebate Brazil 26/01/2021
Không ghi nhận được một phần tư loài ong kể từ thập kỷ 1990 Tia Sáng Viet Nam 26/01/2021
About 25% of All Bee Species ‘Unseen’ Since 1990 The Science Times United States 26/01/2021
"보이지 않아~ 꿀벌이~ 25%는 못찾고~" 꿀벌 크게 감소 News Penguin Republic of Korea 26/01/2021
Albinele au mari probleme. Un sfert dintre speciile cunoscute nu au mai fost văzute de mult timp Evenimentul Zilei Romania 26/01/2021
En trente ans, une chute spectaculaire du nombre d’espèces d’abeilles observées dans le monde Courrier International France 26/01/2021
Видовое разнообразие пчел сократилось на 25% за 30 лет Mockba24 Russian Federation 27/01/2021
Разнообразие пчёл угрожающе сокращается 22 Century Russian Federation 27/01/2021
Un quarto delle api conosciute sono scomparse sin dagli anni ’90 Focus Tech Italy 02/02/2021
Thousands of Wild Bee Species Haven’t Been Seen Since 1990 Smithsonian Magazine US 02/02/2021
Neue Studie: Ein Viertel aller Bienenarten verschwunden GEO Germany 03/02/2021
Global bee diversity is dropping — and our food systems depend on them National Observer Canada 03/02/2021
Le api si stanno estinguendo? Focus Tech Italy 05/02/2021