MSPTM Semanar - Introduction to Global Biodiversity Information Facility and Data Publishing

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One of many valuable research endeavor involving the publishing and the use of biodiversity data is tracking human disease vectors. The Malaysian Society of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, MSPTM, has engaged with GBIF and wish to learn about what GBIF is and how biodiversity open data can benefit its members, as well as broader Malaysian audiences.

In this symposium, the GBIF Asia Regional Support Team has worked with MSPTM and prepared a few topics aiming at providing a broad, relevant, and practical introduction to Malaysian communities.

They are:

  1. What is GBIF: success stories of countries and organizations
  2. Broaden the visibility of your data: What is a data paper?
  3. Introduction to using GBIF data
  4. How to prepare data for publishing
  5. How to publish data to GBIF
Online Event
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