4440 citations

Jack of all trades and master of most:Carpobrotustaxa show no trade-off in reproductive strategies

S. Canavan, J. Rodriguez, H. Skalova, J. J. Le Roux, G. Brundu, ... - (2025) bioRxiv

The ability to reproduce via multiple strategies is crucial for the invasion success of alien plant species. Here, we use Carpobrotus taxa (species and hybrids) to explore how trade-offs between and within these strategies may influence plant invasion dynamics. Native to South Africa, Carpobrotus pl…

The influence of the forest corridors to the north of the Andes on the diversification of the bright‐rumped Attila, Attila spadiceus (Passeriformes, T…

Patrícia Mendonça, Lincoln Silva Carneiro, Victor Leandro‐Silva, Alexandre Aleixo, Juliana Araripe, (2025) Ecology and Evolution

This study aims to enhance our understanding of the temporal and spatial processes scales governing the evolutionary diversification of Neotropical birds with Trans‐ and Cis‐Andean populations of the species Attila spadiceus from South and Central America. Through a multilocus analysis of the mitoch…

Flowering plants at Sino‐Himalaya and the Tibetan Plateau face increased extinction risk

Li‐Na Zhao, Yun Liu, Jian‐Fei Ye, Bing Liu, Hai‐Hua Hu, ... - (2025) Journal of Systematics and Evolution

The loss of biodiversity is one of the most serious environmental issues in the Anthropocene. Understanding the extinction risk of species is essential for preemptive conservation measures, but is hampered by gaps in geographical and evolutionary knowledge, especially in areas/regions that are highl…

The relative influence of geographic and environmental factors on rare plant translocation outcomes

Joe Bellis, Matthew A. Albrecht, Joyce Maschinski, Sarah E. Dalrymple, Matthew J. Keir, ... - (2025) Journal of Applied Ecology

Conservation translocations are an established method for reducing the extinction risk of plant species through intentional movement within or outside the indigenous range. Unsuitable environmental conditions at translocation recipient sites and a lack of understanding of species–environment relatio…

MIAU: An analysis-ready dataset on presence-only and presence-absence data of Neotropical carnivores (Mammalia, Carnivora) from 2000 to 2021

Florencia Grattarola, Kateřina Tschernosterová, Petr Keil, (2025) Nature Conservation

AbstractIn the last decade, databases of records of species observed at the same location at different points in time over large spatial extents have been made available. Unfortunately, these sources are scarce in regions such as Latin America. We present a dataset of 60,179 point occurrences (i.e. …

Thrips biological control agent shows greater niche overlap with invasive alligatorweed than conventional agent in current and future climate scenario…

Samuel A. Schmid, Andrés F. Sánchez-Restrepo, Alejandro J. Sosa, Gray Turnage, Gary N. Ervin, (2025) BioControl

Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. (Amaranthaceae: Caryophyllales) is an aquatic invasive weed from South America with a long history of biological control. The well-studied Agasicles hygrophila Selman & Vogt, 1971 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) successfully controls A. philoxeroides in some p…

What ‘unexplored’ means: mapping regions with digitized natural history records to look for ‘biodiversity blindspots’

Laymon Ball, Sheila Rodríguez-Machado, Diego Paredes-Burneo, Samantha Rutledge, David A. Boyd, ... - (2025) PeerJ

We examined global records of accessible natural history voucher collections (with publicly available data and reliable locality data) for terrestrial and freshwater vascular plants, fungi, freshwater fishes, birds, mammals, and herpetofauna (amphibians and reptiles) and highlight areas of the world…

Drought tolerance as an evolutionary precursor to frost and winter tolerance in grasses

Laura Schat, Marian Schubert, Siri Fjellheim, Aelys M Humphreys, (2025) Evolution

Abstract Accumulating evidence is suggesting more frequent tropical-to-temperate transitions than previously thought. This raises the possibility that biome transitions could be facilitated by precursor traits. A wealth of ecological, genetic, and physiological evidence suggests overl…

Utilizing citizen science for accurate global prediction of the invasive gall-inducing insects, Ophelimus maskelli (Ashmead, 1900) and Leptocybe invas…

Liang-Yu Pan, Cheng-Tao Lin, Gene-Sheng Tung, (2025) The Pan-Pacific Entomologist

Gall-inducing insects engage in intricate interactions with their host plants, significantly affecting ecosystem health. Invasive gall-inducing insects, however, pose detection challenges and can cause significant, often irreversible damage. Citizen science may play an important role in establishing…

Vanishing ecosystems: The looming threat of climate change on an iconic genus Vellozia in the Brazilian campos rupestres

Rain E. Bugado, Nawal Shrestha, Renato A. Magri, Jefferson Prado, Jenifer C. Lopes, (2025) Global Ecology and Conservation

Climate change poses a significant threat to biodiversity and habitats worldwide, with mountainous regions and endemic species particularly vulnerable. One such ecosystem is the campos rupestres, a mountainous environment in the highlands of central-eastern Brazil, characterized by high species rich…

Ticks jump in a warmer world: Global distribution shifts of main pathogenic ticks are associated with future climate change

Bo Cao, Chengke Bai, Kunyi Wu, Ting La, Wenwen Chen, ... - (2025) Journal of Environmental Management

In recent decades, the threats of ticks and tick-borne diseases (TBDs) increased extensively with environmental change, urbanization, and rapidly changing interactions between human and animals. However, large-scale distribution of tick and TBD risks as well as their relationship with environmental …

How to Identify Priority Sites for Invasive Alien Species Policy and Management

David A. Clarke, Rohan H. Clarke, Melodie. A. McGeoch, (2025) Diversity and Distributions

ABSTRACTAimIdentifying priority species and introduction pathways has long been a goal of national and international policy for reducing and mitigating the impacts of invasive alien species (IAS). Although identifying priority sites for invasion management is included within Target 6 of the Kunming–…

Species richness variation in marine and terrestrial fauna across wide-spread, fragmented territories: assessing inherent challenges of data scarcity …

Kilian Barreiro, Laura Benestan, Charlotte Moritz, Simon Ducatez, Jérémy Le Luyer, (2025) Authorea

The ongoing biodiversity crisis calls for a complete biodiversity inventory of marine and terrestrial ecosystems. The task is particularly challenging for fragmented island territories, where baseline biodiversity information is often difficult to procure. By centralising information from different …

Climate and regional plant richness drive diet specialization in butterfly caterpillars

C. P. Gross, A. Y. Kawahara, B. H. Daru, (2025) bioRxiv

Studies of coevolution, ecosystem processes, and latitudinal diversity gradients are improved by understanding variation in resource specialization. Insect herbivory is one of the most ubiquitous terrestrial ecological associations that drives the evolution of plants and insects. However, a broad un…

Lagged climate‐driven range shifts at species' leading, but not trailing, range edges revealed by multispecies seed addition experiment

Katie J. A. Goodwin, Nathalie I. Chardon, Kavya Pradhan, Janneke Hille Ris Lambers, Amy L. Angert, (2025) Ecography

Climate change is causing many species' ranges to shift upslope to higher elevations as species track their climatic requirements. However, many species have not shifted in pace with recent warming (i.e. ‘range stasis'), possibly due to demographic lags or microclimatic buffering. The ‘lagged‐respon…

Origin of subgenomes in the circumboreal allopolyploid carnivorous plantDrosera anglica(Droseraceae)

R. Mohn, Y. Yang, (2025) bioRxiv

Premise of StudyThe parentage of a widespread member of the carnivorous sundew genus Drosera, the allopolyploid Drosera anglica, remains uncertain despite over 100 years of morphological, cytological, and, more recently, molecular study. MethodsUsing transcriptomic and genomic data from 12 species …

Catálogo de los mamíferos fósiles de la provincia de Santa Elena, Ecuador: entre el Oligoceno y el Pleistoceno

F. Fernando Flores Alcívar, Diego G. Tirira, (2025) Mammalia aequatorialis

Realizamos una revisión de los mamíferos que habitaron entre el Oligoceno y el Pleistoceno (entre 33,9 millones de años y 11.700 años) en la provincia de Santa Elena, en la Costa de Ecuador. En la provincia se realizaron varios estudios de su fauna prehistórica, desde 1892 hasta la actualidad, con p…

A global biogeographic regionalization for butterflies

Collin P. Gross, April M. Wright, Barnabas H. Daru, (2025) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

The partitioning of global biodiversity into biogeographic regions is critical for understanding the impacts of global-scale ecological and evolutionary processes on species assemblages as well as prioritizing areas for conservation. However, the lack of globally comprehensive data on species distri…

Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott (Araceae; taro): global invasion history and prognosis for South Africa

Emily J. McCulloch-Jones, Bokamoso K. Lemme, Laura Fernandez Winzer, David M. Richardson, John R.U. Wilson, (2025) South African Journal of Botany

Colocasia esculenta (taro), native to tropical Southeast Asia, is an emergent aquatic plant with a wide global distribution. Valued for its agricultural, horticultural, medicinal, and cultural uses, it also has become invasive in some places, spreading unaided along slow-flowing water courses throug…

Niche comparisons reveal significant divergence despite narrow endemism in Leavenworthia, a genus of rare plants

Kyle M Simpson, Daniel Spalink, (2025) Annals of Botany

Abstract Background and Aims Quantifying niche similarity among closely related species offers myriad insights into evolutionary history and ecology. In this study, our aim was to explore the interplay of geographical and niche space for rare, ende…


Medardo Arreortúa, César Camilo Julián-Caballero, Tereso López-García, César Orozco, Edna González-Bernal, (2025) Revista Latinoamericana de Herpetología

The Mexican mud turtle, Kinosternon integrum, is a native Mexican species with a wide distribution. However, despite its abundance, information on its demographics, natural history, and threats is scarce. We report 18 new records of K. integrum in the states of Oaxaca and Puebla. These data highligh…

A global trophic analysis of estuary-associated fishes

Trevor D. Harrison, Alan K. Whitfield, (2025) Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries

The global trophic structure and trophic level of estuarine-associated fishes was analysed in relation to biogeographic and selected environmental parameters. Meta-assemblages of estuary-associated fishes were collated at the marine ecoregional level and analysed at a broad biogeographical (bioregio…

From the Pasture to the Present: The History of Grass Introductions in Hawai‘i

Kevin Faccenda, (2025) Pacific Science

Before European contact, natural grasslands covered relatively little of Hawai‘i, with a grass flora composed of ∼48 species including 40 endemics. Following the proliferation of cattle ranches after the Great Mahele (land division) in the 1840s, it was quickly realized that the native grasses were …

Diversity of trematodes (Platyhelminthes) in Mexico with an assessment of the availability of genetic data for their conservation

Y. Velázquez-Urrieta, V. Mendoza-Portillo, F. J. García-De León, (2025) Journal of Helminthology

Abstract Trematodes are one of the most abundant and diverse groups of platyhelminths. They parasitize all major groups of vertebrates as definitive hosts and therefore play an important role in ecosystem composition. It is estimated that 18,000 to 25,000 species of trematodes exist worldwide, of…

Comparative Analysis of Complete Chloroplast Genomes and Phylogenetic Relationships in Medicinally Important Pantropical Genus Bauhinia s.s. (Legumino…

Yanxiang Lin, Yuan Chen, Yanlin Zhao, Wei Wu, Chengzi Yang, ... - (2025) International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Bauhinia s.s. belongs to the Cercidoideae subfamily, located at the base of the Leguminosae family. It displays a variety of growth habits and morphologies, and is widely utilized as both ornamental and medicinal plants globally. The objective of this research is to uncover chloroplast genomes of sp…