Please cite as (03 March 2016) GBIF Occurrence Download

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37 MB Darwin Core Archive
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    And All must apply
  • Scientific name Plantae
  • Geometry POLYGON((-72.377929 7.536764,-73.476562 5.506639,-74.377441 3.491489,-74.838867 2.460181,-74.179687 2.021065,-72.817382 2.108898,-70.620117 2.350414,-69.631347 2.591888,-68.730468 3.162455,-67.148437 4.258768,-66.950683 4.872047,-66.906738 5.900188,-67.346191 6.904614,-68.291015 7.122696,-71.015625 7.406047,-72.377929 7.536764))
To repeat the download on current data, you can use below query with the API. Read more
  "type": "and",
  "predicates": [
      "type": "equals",
      "key": "TAXON_KEY",
      "value": "6",
      "matchCase": false
      "type": "within",
      "geometry": "POLYGON((-72.377929 7.536764,-73.476562 5.506639,-74.377441 3.491489,-74.838867 2.460181,-74.179687 2.021065,-72.817382 2.108898,-70.620117 2.350414,-69.631347 2.591888,-68.730468 3.162455,-67.148437 4.258768,-66.950683 4.872047,-66.906738 5.900188,-67.346191 6.904614,-68.291015 7.122696,-71.015625 7.406047,-72.377929 7.536764))"

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